Day Plus 1505
Okay so I’m bad it has been awhile since I updated the blog
okay it gets better I only remember because a really great Mate rang me today
and asked about the Blog and I thought I better update it LOL. I tell no lie I
have been so flat out I have had not one minute to myself to breath let alone
to sit and write out everything that has been happening.
It has been a busy few months for us, everything going on
good and bad never stops really.I turned the big 33 LOL in March and I am going to try to give up the smoking today is Day 3 Oh God here hoping I don’t Kill off to many of my friends LOL...
Zac Blood in the wee cleared up took a few months still not sure if infection or not doctor will keep eye on him closer still not emptying bladder all the way so will watch it but prob nothing top much.
Zac has had more Testing and his overall scoring for his
development is the 1st percentile and 0.01 of Percentile, I was told
0.01 is the lowest we set a new record beat That LOL... I will explain the
chart is up to the 100th Percentile which you would be a genius, the
50th Percentile would be average
from 5th to the 95th Percentile they don’t really do
anything thing much for children you have to sit under the 5th
percentile. Which means in a nut shell out of 100 children all at the same age
where your child sits? Zac sits at 0.01 of a percentile and 1 percentile The
We are in FIGHTS with the Educational Dept to
place Zac in a IO
Support Class: Moderate Intellectuals Disability or IO/IS Support Class:
Moderate/Severe intellectual disability to place in one of these classes is
hard they only take 6 to 9 students, so even though I have all the support from
everyone does not mean I can place him in one and there are not many of these
classes around which makes it hard. The only other issue will be a normal class
next year and dear I hope the teacher can cope. So Fingers Cross for us we can
place Zac in one.
We went
and met with the doctors a couple of weeks ago as everyone who knows me I hate
labels on kids and think Doctors are too easy to stamp a label then to work at
the issues first. Lazy half the Doctors are these days. Sorry but they are...
We were shown everything in details so here is Zac in a Nut Shell this is not
everything but basics...
DiagnosisSmall Section Permanent Collapsed Lung will not heal could very much get worse and the whole lung Collapse.
Fibrosis of the Lungs
Reactive airway disease
Deaf in one Ear
C.A.P.D. processing Disorder of the Brain
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
Hypervigilance Disorder
Non Sleeper
Global Development Delay
Speech stuttering.
It is also believed that Zac has anxiety disorder and Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and signs to having autism. Now I can believe the Anxiety and OCD but not the Autism so we are waiting a little longer to see how Zac goes and if not settled or better than test him. But remember he is normal if you saw him or chatted to him he is ZAC WILLIAM RUGLESS and he is Normal and cute just a couple of little issues...
We are due to go for more blood results soon and check out all his immune levels and LFT’s and Chem.
Zac is growing good on the plus side and we had
all the safety stuff put on the stove and Oven No More Fires Mind you he tried
to flood my house the other day I was not impressed and could have well you
know. Zac has had a Cold now for 6 weeks and still sounds not good on the chest
but he has done well not getting worse well the cough has a little. On the plus
side his speech is a lot more clearly and he is getting one on speech therapy
every week to help with his stuttering which is going well.
James anxiety has
been up and down and sometimes going really well and others all over the place
so I’m hoping if he gets a place in the IM Class he might settle a little more
well Fingers Cross. On the Bright Note I have not had to go pick James up over
his Aspergers Melt Down for a little while fingers cross it stays that way.
Okay so I’m Tried and Worn Out and Broke the doctors cost a bomb but at least we have each other and I’m tried did I say that LoL.
Sometimes I think which I know is so wrong of me that how come some people go in hospital get fixed up and walk out no problems to follow on No Nightmares to go through No Nightmares to sleep through but every week there is always something new for my boys I would not wish it on no one but over it over worrying over the Lung the kidneys over the nightmares. Why did both my boys have to go through it just over it all but Hay SMILE Right SMILE because there is always so much worse in this world and so much worse happening right now and I don’t really have the right to be feeling like that when I have my Boys?
To My Lovely Beautiful WAS Friends I hope for you that things improve
and some normal starts for you all Transplants Goes quickly and well and GVHD
goes away settles down Bloods stay good Our children stay healthy and happy so
we to can have great family lives with our beautiful children.
Sending out my Heart Soul and Thoughts to some special WAS Mums
Paige and Bee. Sending out a Big Congrats to Jaqui and Max for coming out of isolation
Enjoy my Friend…Time for me to go Till Next Update I hope everyone is going Good and Healthy and Keep Smiling...
Hi Susan,
It is truly amazing to see how you manage with the myriads of constant issues that you go through with your boys. Your positive attitude and outlook is wonderful!
I hope that your checklist of items for the boys lessen with time and that you can get some reprieve.
Take care.
Hi Susan
I work for Channel Seven and was hoping to talk to you about a story which has just appeared in the UK press on a news gene therapy treatment over in Europe -
I was wondering if anyone was receiving the treatment here!
I am a senior producer by the way and can be contacted on either or 02 8777 7921. All the best Julia Timms
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